Monday, October 25, 2010

One last Glimpse of Summer . . .

The snow swirled around outside my office in Boulder for only a few minutes this afternoon. But, surely bigger flakes are just around the corner. I came across these photos on my friend and former colleague, Melissa's, Facebook page. Her recent honeymoon in Greece looks so lovely but oh-so-far away from our arctic winds. I recognize Santorini immediately as I spent part of an incredible summer there two decades ago. 

I shan't look under summer's covers anymore. 


  1. My friend Shellie joined your Blog, she's a Designer of sorts, she does beautiful and interesting pillows. I've know her for 15 years or so when we were both in Detroit. :)

  2. Wonderful! I'd love to see her pillows - does she have a website? Perhaps I can do a blog post on her and her pillows if it is appropriate.


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