Wednesday, June 12, 2013

GrAfFiTi ArT!

Kids have a fascination with graffiti. I think it's a combination of the expressiveness, the outlandishness of it, to the mystique of "teaching" it ~ is she really going to encourage private property defacement? By the time there were walls, people were writing on them; from the caves of Lascaux to the modern day defacement of property. Graffiti style has taken hold and has become mainstream so why not embrace it and take the opportunity to educate children on the history and the respectful use of the art form?

In my last week's summer art camp graffiti class we focused on the history of graffiti in America and the ability to draw in a bold and simplified manner. The kids produced personal and stunning work with creative lettering that incorporated the basics of perspective and isometric drawing. We worked on both small scale personal work and large scale murals emphasizing community & collaboration.

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