Thursday, September 2, 2010

Livin' off the Land, Baby, Livin' off the Land!
That has been the motto lately of my insanely obsessive and thoroughly endearing husband. It's said tongue in cheek as we are not, and not without some guilt, living off the land. Recently he has become obsessed with not only mushroom hunting and cucumber pickling, but concocting anything he can think of with choke cherries. I should not be surprised at this. As a native of Poland, he comes from crazy gardening parents (his words, not mine), where mushroom hunting is a national pastime, pickles are a food mainstay and vodka is as important as mother's milk. As a designer in love with the visual arts it gives me yet another opportunity to play. So, I've been spending any free moment in the last few days designing labels for his gifts. We are so ready for Christmas!


  1. Great post! I started mushroom hunting this summer and I'm addicted! Check out my guest blog for Edible San Juan Mountains for all the juicy details about the Telluride Mushroom Festival. "Get Your Shroom On" can be found at Love the labels you've created, very clever.

  2. YUM! ... can't wait to be invited to try any of those marvelously labeled things. ;)

  3. Beautiful labels. You should have an Etsy shop.

    My husband's paternal family is from Poland. He tells me that his Dad and brothers went "Mushroom Hunting" regularly here in Michigan, too.


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